I need suggestions on the best possible thinkpad (Z or T) for photoshop and sorting photos. Price is no object as I will spend whatever it takes to get a fast thinkpad. The display is very important as I will color profile the display. I have not found the ideal configuration - it seems the T as the best display and the Z series has the better format (widescreen). I'm hesitant about the Z because of size but I like the firewire. I'm also at an age where reading glasses are needed and I'm a bit concerned about the resolution being too small for general use. I'm looking for the right balance and tradeoff with the graphics taking the strongest position in my final choices.
thanks for you suggestions.
By far the 15" SXGA+ FlexView on the T60 is the best matte I have seen. You can bump up the DPI if you need things to be bigger.
make sure you get the IPS screen, you can always adjust the dpi setting later to change text size.
Flexview screen on a T60. Get the T7400 cpu, 2 sticks of 1gb ram (for a total of 2gb ram) and a 7200rpm hard drive.
Best thinkpad for photography???
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by photog, Nov 23, 2006.