I have a t60P with a 100 gig 7200 hardrive and would like to upgrade to the larger hardrive that has fastest response times and most efficeint battery useage.Is the Hitachi travelstar 200gig or the 320gig western digital 7200rpm drives, which is the better choice??
I was curious if the current hardrives have a better response time and are better on energy useage???
Is the Hitachi the fastest out their for my machine????
I knows there's posts comparing all the drives in the hardware forum. If you want the fastest speed, a SSD is the way to go though they're much more expensive per GB.
Check this out though, http://www.slashgear.com/hitachi-320gb-notebook-drive-7200rpm-but-25-less-power-needed-0711509.php
Best hardrive upgrade for t60 or t60P????
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by edkemm, Aug 3, 2008.