I have used Verizon and before I sign up for new service I wanted opinion on Cingular and Tmobile. I am fine with external Pcmia card and not using the bilt in device.
Both are much slower, I used T-Mobile and was literally drooling with boredom and the wait it took to load web pages it was so slow compared to much speedier Verizon. Cingular is similarly bad, but not as awful as T-Mobile -- which you should absolutely avoid.
Sprint's PCMCIA cards are the fastest and most reliable. Verizon is second best.
Unfortunately You can not choose Sprint for your T60.
I want to buy T60 with WWAN but I think Verizon have a 5GB limit monthly. -
I tether with my Blackjack and its pretty fast if I don't use their proxy servers, and maybe their DNS servers, though those seem more responsive than a few months back.
*Ack I use Cingular. -
I use Verizon and it's coverage is pretty good but the built in WWAN card in my Z60t is doesn't do Rev. A so it is slow. I can't comment on the others and would be interested in more responses because I'm interested in switching. I'm paying $80 a month for unlimited service and, while it's great being able to log on to the internet whenever I'm out, it's killing me cost wise.
I'm about to cancel the service when my new T60 arrives because I didn't get the built in WWAN card.
Oh, and people might find this site useful... http://evdo-coverage.blogspot.com/ -
Best WWan service
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ian1234, Feb 1, 2007.