Hi Gentlemen,
I am searching for the best laptop priced < 40,000 INR. Being a IBM lenovo fan, of course, I love to have a Thinkpad. In the price line I could manage, I can't think about a full-fledged Thinkpad. Will selecting from Ideapad U series or Valueline laps go fair than going for a Thinkpad SL series? Moreover, I'm a linux user and so, I would prefer to waste no bucks choosing Windows pre-installed system...
40,000 INR = $850 USD. In the U.S. you can buy a new ThinkPad R or T series for that... not true where you are? (I guess not or you wouldn't be asking.)
You might consider a used T or R, from the Lenovo Outlet (if available to you) or a private seller. If you can find one with Lenovo warranty remaining it could be a very good deal.
Good luck! -
Sir, I know, in USA, 40,000 INR will be enough to get a R or T series. But the system of price 23,000 INR (around $500) costs almost 39,000 INR in India. Even if I plan to ship it from US, the tax and the shipping charges nullify the difference. So, I meant a $500 system of US, which is available in India...
Hi gaudha,
I'm not familiar with pricing in India so will be quiet after this post, but will again suggest that you consider a used R or T series. Even a system as old as a T42 is still quite usable with a modern Linux distro. Of course R60 / T60 and R61 / T61 have dual processors, but aren't all that much faster for single-threaded applications. Look for Intel (not Nvidia) graphics for better reliability, and also better open-source Linux drivers.
All of the above is my long-winded way of saying that I would prefer an older ThinkPad to a new IdeaPad or Value line (now apparently re-branded "Essential" laptops). It's only my opinion, but I don't consider these Lenovos to be any better than any other consumer-grade laptop. There's nothing wrong with them as far as I know, but I wouldn't pay a premium for them either.
Good luck, I hope you find something that meets your needs.
Best Lenovo Laps
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by gaudha, Dec 23, 2009.