My sister is bringing her laptop to her trip to Korea and she's looking for a cheap, reliable solution to charge her laptop with 220V outlet. She goes on the trip in a week and would prefer a fast-shipping retailer such as Amazon.
Thanks in advance.
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
The standard adapter should work on 220v. You just need to find a physical socket adapter.
Yeap, all you need is an adaptor which you can buy here at Homeplus for around 1000 Won or $1, they are super cheap.
What part of South Korea she going to visit, I've been here four years now. -
She should probably be more worried about a hair dryer. If she needs one, she should just buy one here since many hair dryers purchased in the US will not convert voltages. -
She'll be in Seoul for several months. So the standard charger can be used on both 120V and 220V? That's better than I thought.
All computers are made that way. They know people travel with them. I've been to Seoul twice and only go when I have to.
Best International Charger for X120e
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by visiom88, Apr 12, 2012.