Hey guys!
So I just bought a SL500, and I tried to change the batt threshold but I couldn't find it in battery info under power manager. I searched on google and looks like SL500's batt info window might look different from the other thinkpads. Does anybody know where I can change the threshold on SL500?
Thank you very much in advance!
Here's how my batt info page looks like (borrowed a pic)
The SL series may not have this feature (it is a cost reduced model).
See attached picture for where the "Battery Maintenance" icon would be.Attached Files:
It appears the SL series doesn't have that feature. That is rather unfortunate imo. Another reason a SL shouldn't have a Thinkpad logo...
hmm...that sucks...actually the help button on the power manager told me to go look for the batt maintenance button lolz...
Thx for the replies!
This is a little off topic but I was wondering what exactly the battery threshold feature does? I know it sets some sort of limit to how much is charged or when it starts to charge? But what are the pros and cons? Why wouldn't I want my battery charged all the way to 100%?
Read the battery guide and go to BatteryUniversity.com for full details.
However, the short version is that unnecessary cycles (charging and discharging the battery) as well as keeping a battery at 100% (especially while warm) is very bad for long term batter health. Charge thresholds provide a convenient way to minimize both of these problems. -
Thank you jonlumpkin!
Did Power Manager 3.20 or above add back/enable changing battery thresholds for SL series users? I asked at http://forum.notebookreview.com/6195005-post52.html but never got a reply.
I might be in the market for one... I'm looking for the cheapest Lenovo non-netbook I can find which has the power manager only to VPN into work occasionally. It seems only Thinkpads even give you ability to set the thresholds.
Battery threshold on SL500
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by xtraxxl, Aug 25, 2009.