Bought an immaculate X20 series (I think it's an X22) a few months ago for €100. Best purchase of my life. Only (known) problem was the dead battery - not needed at the time. Searching for a (cheap) replacement (tired of having 1min autonomy). FRU part number is IBM-02K6653. On eBay UK & IE I found listings for brand new "compatibles" @ €21 (€35 w/ shipping) directly from the Hong Kong manufacturer incl. 1 year warranty. I found a couple of OEM (@ €30) listed too, however - strangely enough - I'm quite weary about these since they seem not so common (I'm pretty sure they stopped making them!).
Shouldn't I? Are the prices on eBay fair?
Anyone knows an online retailer shipping to Malta (most UK and Germans do) carrying this battery? Compatible or OEM.
Thanks all!
Battery for X20 series
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Xmas, Apr 12, 2008.