So this just started happening recently: My battery will drop a few percentage points say from 54% to 48% when leaving it plug into the laptop overnight or for a few hours while in hibernation mode. I ususally hibernate it instead of shutting it down, but a laptop shouldn't need any power while in hibernation mode.
Any ideas about this?
T61 + 6 cell batt (1.5 years)
When you put it in hibernation mode it saves your current settings so it has to use a bit of power.
My 2nd guess would be just a normal battery discharge. They can just lose power if its not used for a few hours.
So with a combination of both, that might be where your 6% decrease is coming from. -
What OS are you running?
Many people with Vista have reported battery drain while hibernated. Here's a thread in the Lenovo forum about it. -
Thanks for the replies, can't be a battery discharge. I just tired shuting it down for the night and there was no battery drainage.
Glad to know I'm not alone, I'm running Vista 32 SP2, I'll try disabling the Wake-on-Lan settings in my bios later. But one thing I'm sure of is that this battery drainage problem while in hibernation only appeared recently on my T61. -
Update: Disabled Wake-on LAN, battery still drains.
Are you using Vista? I recall Vista has a "hybrid" sleep mode. You sure it's not going into that mode?
Battery drops by a few % when leaving it in laptop
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by pepclub, Jul 16, 2009.