Does anyone know how realistic the battery life estimates are for Lenovos? Tabook shows the T510 with discrete graphics at 7.8 hours (9 cell) and the W510 at 4.9 hours (9 cell). My T61 with gets about 2 hours in practical usage, where I see from the specs Lenovo had estimated 3.8 hours. Unless Lenovo has gotten more aggressive in their estimates, it would seem that the W510 should last longer than the T61?
For a T61 with T8100 CPU can get around 200 minutes of battery life (6 cells) on maximum battery life, no wireless, 50% brightness, standard hdd. While, a similar T61 with T7250 CPU can get me 170 minutes on similar setting with the same battery. -
on T400 (T9400), 4500MHD, 500GB 7200 Seagate, running linux, 9-cell battery, after one year of usage I can get 9 hours of work if I do work with text in low brightness.
I get 6-7 hours if I browse the net, and I get 4-5 hours depending if there is a lot of flash content.... -
double post, sorry
Battery Life Estimates
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by dropro, Jan 28, 2010.