How big of a difference is the battery life between a single 750 and a 750 SLI configuration on a Y500?
If you are just using your laptop for web browsing or watching videos, change to battery life will be nearly irrelevant. The 2nd GPU will remain idle, and you will get about 3.0 - 3.5 hours of battery life.
If you are using your laptop for gamign on battery, you can expect about a 25% - 33% higher power consumption using 2x GPUs instead of a single GPU.
Speaking in general, you want your laptop gaming to be while plugged in. You can be at a desk where you can use a mouse, you don't need to reconfigure any power settings anywhere to disable "Power Saver" mode that throttles down CPU / GPU performance when on battery, and you don't ever need to worry about battery life issues. -
My battery life goes down about an hour with the second graphics card plugged in. I've been monitoring my battery discharge rate in Windows Performance Monitor and HWiNFO64 with and without the Ultrabay GPU and that second GPU sucks up quite a bit of power even when idle. This is the reason that Optimus-enabled notebooks get much better life. A discrete GPU, even when severely downclocked at idle, still uses up a lot more power than an integrated one.
Apparently SLI doesn't automatically disable when you're unplugged. Both GPU's are still pegged like they normally are. I have to go to the Nvidia Control Panel and manually disable SLI to shut off the second GPU. There's nothing worse than watching your battery percentage deplete in real time.
Battery Life
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by kdizzzle5, Apr 24, 2013.