I want to purchase a T61p, but I don't want it to ship with an OS, memory, or hardrive. Does anyone think this is possible?
Doubt it. .
Just get the cheapest options available.
You beat me by two minutes again johnny...!
This is so very sad...
I called in an attempt to do the very same when I ordered my T61p. The rep I talked to told me that I have to get a hard drive as well as one of the Windows OS's. I even asked if I could get it with just Linux and she told me no to that as well (I was even going through the EPP, which as far as I know may give me a better chance at getting a notebook with Linux). I'm not sure about not getting any memory, but based on the rest I'm going to assume thats a no as well.
However all these answers came from only one rep, and it seems different reps give different answers sometimes. -
The only way you could do that is if you buy either a Asus or Compal bare bones.
But I do agree it is stupid that you can't buy it without the OS, memory and HDD but I guess thats how OEMs make their money.
I also went with just getting the cheapest stuff, I got Vista basic along with 512mb of ram then added 2gb.
I'm also gonna dual boot Linux but I'm waiting for my Vista install disk to get here... -
You can get 4GB of DDR2-667 (2x2GB) on Newegg.com for $205... That certainly beats Lenovo's price for 4GB!
Also... I would 1001012402304% prefer to have a retail copy of Vista without Lenovo bulk. -
Microsoft would become very angry with you (and Lenovo) if they sold you one without a Windows OS.
Barebone T61p
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Paul386, Jul 17, 2007.