T60 14.1" (1861 USD)
- T2400, X1400, 1GB RAM, 3 USB, 60GB HDD, 9-cell, DVD burner, 3year depot warranty added
T60p 14.1" (2179 USD)
- fireGL, 1 GB ram, 60 GB HDD, 9-cell, DVD burner, basic warranty
Z61 15" (2199 USD)
- T2500, x1400, 1GB RAM, 3 USB 1394 card reader, 100 GB HDD, DVD burner, 6 cell, basic waranty
so now.. hmmm can i get some voice out there with these two? i want PERSONAL ANSWERS with experiences to back it. please do not answer if you do not have these machines like me to prevent unbiased answers... ehehehe
i am getting worried about the Z61m's shipping time...that's a month or so... while the T60 has 1-3 weeks
oh... should i max out or at least 3yrs for the waranty? well, thinkpads are thinkpads.. they should last enough for everyday use
I briefly considered the Z60m with 15" for awhile but I found it too bulky compared to the 14" T-series (I wish the Z61t came with a dedicated GPU).
Perhaps you want to tell us what you plan to do with it. The Z61 is a bit heavy for everyday mobility. Unless you have a specific need like doing CAD, I would not get the FireGL card.
Bang For The Buck (thinkpad Way)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by paqtrick22, Jun 21, 2006.