I have noticed many users complain about Lenovo customer service. Well PC World has done a survey to show who is best and worst at it. The results show "Lenovo significantly RECEDES"...Here are the results>>>
haha HPs on the bottom.
^ lol @ flipfire.
With apple you pay for service so that's good that they are holding that part up. HP and Dell's service shouldn't be that great on the low end, but I know HP's business service is pretty good. It is sad lenovo is dropping. But I wish there was specific breakdowns for business users (thinkpads) vs others. Also this is a simple chart. So we can't read too much into it
Lenovo support was fine to me, well for thinkcentres anyway.
I wouldnt say Apple is the first, if you weigh in the applecare costs.
HPs is exactly where it should be on that list. The problems and complaints on the HP section is always high. I should really get paid for doing their work
Btw that list is only accurate for that country and consumer lines. I find HP repairs here in Australia very good but the outsourced customer service is like talking my dog for solutions.
Last time i spoke to HP customer service, they sounded like they were in a wind tunnel. Thats the last time i ever called them and i do all the support and repairs myself now -
A bit surprised that Acer is so high up and HP is so low on the list - from my experience, HP laptops seem quite well-built and solid, although they do have some heat issues.
Dell's business service has always been excellent for me.
HP business has always been excellent for me (I’d never buy one of their consumer products)—and Apple has too much blind religious fanboyism for there to ever be anything wrong with an Apple product.
So Apple and Dell are better in "Problem was never resolved"?
Don't go to them if you want your problem solved.
IMO, Sony would be much lower if it were full of "*".
I just contacted lenovo about my T60p and they just told me to send it in. I'm hoping right now for a positive experience. Hold time for a lenovo csr was about 2 minutes with my first try. Hold time for a Sony csr was always 30+ minutes and I tried more than 5 times before I gave up each time. -
I'm not quite sure how to read the poll. Are the "Average," "Better," and "Worse" ratings applied against the industry as a whole, or the specific company for which a user is responding?
If it's the latter, a "Better" for Sony on Problem on Arrival might be an indication that the company has improved on what was characteristically bad reliability. Conversely, an "Average" for, say, Toshiba might indicate that the experience is the norm on what was reasonably good to begin with... So the "Better" for one might be no better (no pun intended) than the "Average" for another. -
That chart is more confusing than informative - why use ambigous symbols, why not numbers?
I don't see the OP's survey on PC World's website. It looks like the survey is dated now.
What I do see is a July 2008 "annual reader satisfaction survey" for notebooks:
In this review Apple comes in first place and is followed by Lenovo in second place.
In any case, PC World's survey methodology is severely flawed and their results are invalid. For most statistical analyses to be valid the respondents must be selected at random. The surveys at hand the respondents are self-selected. Respondents are also limited to PC World's readership and we can assume that they are substantially different in terms of their PC use, understanding, and requirements for satisfaction when compared to all notebook users. In short, the survey results are mostly useless. -
Everything is manipulated these days to force you into doing or buying things.
Think about it... -
The Apple Fans always lie so you don't think their rig is a piece of junk. Of the 3 Apple products I have owned every single one of them has been in the shop for repairs within the first year. 3 different batteries in my macbook, replace white panel for stain problem on macbook, replacement ipod nano, New nano gets only 1.5 hours of battery life, Imac replacement Korean gold plated ram chips(that you pay $600 for) and replace dvd/cd drive on imac.
Bad news?
Look at "Overall satisfaction ..." column. This one only matters! -
For their business notebooks, id give say slightly above average. -
Lenovo's downsizing 10% of it's workforce today. ouch.
Bad news for Lenovo
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by LGt400, Jan 5, 2009.