I am running this thing and it says 200 mins remaining! I just wonder after the first time running, will it take as long the second time running backup and recovery? I don't really need this thing b/c as long as i have recovery partition, i can just reinstall my programs but I wanted to try...
I use backup all the time but I only use it on system disks - I've never used it on a free standing disk. Supposedly there is a tremendous time saving on subsequent back ups but I don't know. Knowing how critical back ups are, I always delete the one on disk and start from scratch.
Renee -
hmm i stopped it b/c i figure i just need my docs and pics and musics...
i have an ssd in my x201 so i dont want to put it on the primary disk.
I just wonder what the experience is with that backup thing. Apparently it was trying to copy both the recovery partition and main drive (Is that right?) so it wanted to copy like 60GB of data....
thanks -
The recovery partition is small. I recommend Backups wholeheartedly. They certainly have save me any number of times.
Renee -
My backup of a 160gb drive with 75gb used was 60gb and took 2 hours to complete. I used the Shut Down Computer when Finished feature and went to bed.
Once I get my Ultrabay Hard Drive adapter I will have an older 250gb drive exclusively for backups.
Backup and recovery question
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by stupidolive, Oct 18, 2010.