Hi all, I usually help people with their computer problems here but yesterday I received my brand new X200. Bought in China through parallel imports, it of course comes with a non-genuine version of XP (and in Chinese too) so I went to install my own genuine copy of XP. I set the hard disk mode to compatibility and everything but right after loading all the drivers and just before showing the menu screen (first boot, still in DOS mode) it gives me the BSOD. It is the 0x7E error for pci.sys. I have looked through the device manager, disabled Turbo Memory, and tried Googling the error to no avail. Anyone have some ideas? Thanks
Is your XP with SP2? If not, slipstream SP2.
Been googling and it seems SP2 should fix the issue. -
The installation I'm running now is with SP3. The disk does not have any service pack.
What OS did it come with?
Thank you, I slipstreamed SP2 into the disk with nLite and it worked perfectly!
Awesome new X200 and...BSOD on reinstall
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by czhang, Dec 19, 2008.