I was just curious, at what point would it be ok to cancel an order. I placed mine 2 days ago with an est ship date of 2/21. My status shows as in progress and I did not get any further emails from Lenovo regarding my order. I payed with Paypal and Paypal has not been charged yet; will be when shipped. If I cancelled today would it be a big headache?
I am thinking of canceling and reordering with a different config.
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
Its never completely safe, because the cancellation takes some time to process and your laptop could be getting built right now. The Est Ship Date is rarely right, many notebooks have been getting sent out less than 48 hours after they are ordered.
Its all a risk, if you do not like that config, just cancel it and see what happens over the next couple days. -
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
Anybody else have any opinions on this/personal experience?
I used a 10% off coupon with Paypal and 2 days after they now have 15% off. Does Lenovo have any kind of price guarantee, where like if during 30 days you see cheaper, then you get the difference from them?
Money is one thing, but I would have probably used the extra 5% to get the Quadro NVS 140M instead of integrated. Not that I plan on using the laptop for gaming, but would future proof it some more. -
Well, the little bit of future proofing with a NVS140M also results in a pretty big loss of runtime, so its not always better. The X3100 is more than capable of handle standard Windows tasks and watching movies. Plays some games OK too, so its not all bad or anything.
If you can make the exact same system and save a quote for it, Lenovo will credit you back the difference if you call them with the quote number. Thats how it was 4 months ago, could be diff now. -
Yes, Lenovo has price protection where if the price drops within 30 days of purchase, they will refund the difference.
don't worry...that 15% is not as good as the 10%...why?
Because last wk's base price was lower...this wk's base price is higher....
my r61 last wk -10% is lower than
same spec r61 this wk -15%.
for t61...you'd prob. save ~15 dollar this wk vs. last wk. if you choose the t8300 option, otherwise there's no savings.
also, very likely that price match only apply to offered price (not coupon discounted price since the coupon has exp. date)...could be wrong...but highly unlikely.
At what stage is it ok to cancel an order?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by The Fire Snake, Feb 5, 2008.