Firstly i apologise if this is not 100% a lenovo issue (although it is definitely partly).
I have just discovered someone is maliciously keying my car and i want to preferably keep a laptop inside with camera recording software and a hard drive. I think the maximum hours i would need from the battery is 10-15.
Im wondering whether any of the lenovo products (or any other laptop) would be able to last this long? I dont think you can get a 9 cell for the x200s?
Any other advice on this issue (including car cameras) would be most welcome and i do apologise for going slightly off-topic here but i really respect the knowledge from the community.
I think that hiding in a bush near your car or checking the security cameras in the parking lot might be a bit cheaper...
BaldwinHillsTrojan Notebook Evangelist
I doubt any NB manufacturer has a battery that would last that long. Try APC to see if they have anything in form of NB battery or even a UPS backup. Would cost a lot is my guess. You could charge the backup and then take ito your vehicle. A little more complicated but if you know a mechanic or someone good with electronics may also be able to wire into your car's battery. That's how alarms were hooked up before they became standard in vehicles. Check with your mechanic too as the power draw from a NB is much greater.
I think you are better off having a friend who would be unnoticed tape it from afar with a regular camera. Why risk someone smashing the windows on your car and having them steal your NB? -
Go cheap. One of those little flip hd camcorders+ extended battery pack.
BaldwinHillsTrojan Notebook Evangelist
Two known good brands in UPS. Maybe get one good enough for server power back up as you said up to 15 hours. Would cost $$$$$$. -
I just hope their face is showing when they do it again (im gonna get it repaired just to make sure they do it again). -
Ya, motion sensing with night vision might be the best so you don't have to watch hours of video...
Also if someone is doing it repeatedly just wonder who hates you. I seriously doubt some random jerk is keying YOUR car repeatedly (unless everyone is getting keyed).
Asking all forum members for their help
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by x61x200, Feb 5, 2010.