Hey guys,
Looking for some guidance here. Just got my T400 and I'll be wiping it clean but I'm trying to decide which version of Windows to install on it (yes Windows, stay away Linux lovers). With Server 2008 pretty much universally acclaimed and (allegedly?) faster than Vista, I was thinking about going with it but I fear compatibility issues popping up when I try to reinstall drivers especially the switchable graphics functionality. Any other T400 owners have experience with Server 2008?
Also, I found this site that has free versions of Microsoft software available to students but the version is x86 and I was looking to go to 64-bit. Any ideas where I could get an iso of the x64 version?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
I am running Windows Server 2008 on my U330... no compatibility issues so far. Windows Server 2008 is Vista Core so the Vista 32 and 64 bit drivers will work fine.
I'd never heard of the site you mentioned... is it really free or just trial software?
The trial version (240 day as you can keep extending the 60 days) is located at:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...4C-A40E-4FD2-A0F7-32212B520F50&displaylang=en -
The site posted by earvenom is only for students. If you are a student you have to prove it on that site and you get free copy of server 2008, Visual studio etc.
It's really free. Full version with an individualized license issued to you. You have to validate your student status but the catch is it's not available through all schools. I just graduated from Cornell and they allowed me to validate a Windows Live account using my old student ID and password. The list of colleges that use the system seemed to be somewhat expansive but I just quickly browsed it. Here's the address one more time: https://downloads.channel8.msdn.com/Products.aspx
Are Lenovo Drivers Compatible with Windows Server 2008?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by earvenom, Oct 10, 2008.