If I wanted to do a clean install of Vista, I should need that Anytime Upgrade DVD. Do you have to purchase it from Microsoft of Compusa or can you just download an image of it and burn it to a blank DVD?
You have to buy it. I suggest compusa as they ship much faster.
Compusa doesn't work for me because I'm in Canada. I can't find a direct link for this DVD anywhere on the Microsoft site or on Amazon.ca. I can only seem to find it on Compusa lol
The direct link to the microsoft one is somewhere in the forums. The question is, where? I'd suggest going through all the clean install guides as well as doing a search on the upgrade dvd.
Not sure if this ships to Canada, but here is the direct microsoft link.
https://na.windowsanytimeupgradestore.com/WAU_DIRECT/Purchase.aspx -
Yeah it does! Thanks a lot Wrath!
you will need to buy it -
are there any legality issues with loaning someone your anytime upgrade dvd?
First of all you are using it to install a version of Vista you already own and paid for. Or, if you are using a borrowed disk to actually "upgrade" you are gonna have to pay Microsoft for the upgrade.
Second... who's gonna know it's a purchased or borrowed disk
The disk is so cheap it's basically free. I think Microsoft wants the disk to be widely available so people will pay for upgraded versions of Vista. Kinda like how AOL use to have all those disks you get in the mail and magazines. It's not the disk that is special. It's the money they hope to get out of you after the disk is installed. -
yea I don't want to do anything illegal, oh well.
Microsoft is actually giving those away for free. The fee you pay them is for shipping.
I don't knwo why people are getting bent out of shape. You don't pay for the software, you pay for a LICENSE. All the downloaded images in the world are useless if you don't have a license. If the image itself was worth anything, MS wouldn't be shipping it to you for only 5 bucks.
My take is go ahead and download the image. I will. I PAID for a LICENSE, which has nothing to do with the image. The image is worthless if I don't use my LICENSE on it. -
However, panteedropper is just trying to be a nice guy by making this available to some people who need it. I wouldn't want to see him get in any heat over it... Microsoft might not see it the same way we do.
Probably just better off sticking a stamp on it and mailing it around if people are having a difficult time shelling out the $5. Heck it could take almost just as long to download off of bittorent as it would to have it snail mailed. But since I'm on an endless wait for my T61 I've got all the time in the world, right -
Well, whatever microsoft would rather have, it's THEIR fault for their stupid OEM agreements. If they gave us actual copies of the disc with a purchase this wouldn't be an issue. I miss those days. All I know is I have a machine on the way, installed on it is a copy of vista premium I paid for. I'm going to download the Vista upgrade image, rerun it on my empty machine, use the license I legally own, and everyone's happy
I personally think its lenovo, dell, hp, asus, etc that doesnt want to give us the cd. -
I was unsuccessful in finding a torrent for the image...I was just checking for Microsoft's sake not for personal use....but if anyone finds one they should let me know.....
Would you mind torrenting the DVD. I have recently purchased a Lenovo 3000 N100 but this thing has come with a japanese version of Anytime upgrade DVD as I am in Japan. Now I am the sufferer .... even after paying for the license I cannot use the software because they cannot ship me the english version although my license is valid for all the languages.
Could someone PLEASE torrrent the DVD and let me know the link.
Mukul -
quite the predicament you have there mukulag. Reminds me of the situation a buddy of mine is in thats stationed in Okinawa. Anyhow, why not ask a friend in the states to order it and then have it sent to you?
alas Wrath ... only if i had one...
Wrath, seems the perfect opportunity to be a pal...
I bet mukulag already has a "pal" that can help him out
yes indeed.... Stallen
aww, how sweet
SO I am guessing Lenovo doesn't include a Vista DVD anymore in their package?
That they do not. If i knew how to make an iso and then megaupload it or something, I would. Or torrent it.
I just received my DVDs in the mail today. Interpret as you want, but the discs say "This software is not licensed without purchase of separate digital license. Not for resale except with original PC. Do not lend or make illegal copies of this software."
Well then. Seems we have an issue. Mukulag, Does the windows link I posted on page one not allow shipping to japan?
I think it's silly that these CDs can not even be loaned to someone to use. After all, you can't use it unless you have a license anyway. Oh well. I wouldn't risk torrenting it. (The file would probably be unreasonable large too)
I think the best bet is to trust someone in the States to buy it for you. -
The link does not allow shipping in Japan :-(
Even I am not sure how to create a torrent.
You are right the media is of no use unless you have a license with you. As far as making illegal copies goes I am not too sure about the licensing terms and conditions of the "DISC" distirbuted with the noetbook.MS also says you can create copies of the disc,however for backup purposes.
My Lenovo 3000 did ship with an Anytime upgrade DVD however the it contains a Japanese version as I am currently in Japan. And lucky me, I dont even know a single word of Japanese
Mukul -
Which version are people looking for, 32bit or 64bit?
I beleive ppl r looking 4 32 bit mainly because most of them need 4 the laptop. Atleast I am looking 4 32 bit only.
Mukul -
I just want to make sure I understood everything:
...It means that (with a licence) I can make a clean install of Vista correct?
BTW I am personally looking for the 64bit and I think that more and more people are. -
Well, I ordered both the 32-bit and 64-bit discs from Microsoft. Neither has arrived yet.
Administrator Administrator Super Moderator
Read the full content of this Article: http://www.dev.notebookreview.com/news/amd-holding-fan-event-giving-away-1000-unlocked-apus/ -
CompUSA was weird. I bought the 32-bit and 64-bit from them and later got a software download email, with no software download. Then two days later, I got a shipment email, but the tracking and stuff didn't work at all. I was confused. But then I got the DVDs in the mail, so now it's all good.
Oh good...cuz I ordered the DVD and a mouse and only the mouse is listed in the shipping e-mail. I also got that software download e-mail...which made absolutely no sense.
On this topic, if you have a retail Vista DVD, you can use this for the clean install process as well. You don't need to use an Anytime Upgrade DVD unless you physically don't possess a Vista DVD. I used my MSDN Vista DVD and followed the process (left my key blank, etc). Worked like a champ.
there's tons of Vista downloads on torrent sites but most of them are 'preactivated' or cracked. i'm pretty sure downloading those is not very safe...
I managed to find an unactivated, uncracked .iso that worked great. I have no problems using it, after all, I could only activate it with my LEGAL key/activation file, so in the end I saved $5 for the disc I should've gotten to begin with, but MS has stupid OEM policies, and I was able to reinstall this past weekend (which was very convenient) instead of next weekend when I got the disc.
I ordered mine Wednesday night and I still haven't received it. So much for the 1-2 day business day lie.
If you're talking about CompUsa's normal shipping that says it will ship in 1~2 days, not arrive. I ordered mine on the 19th, and Fedex tracking says it will arrive on the 23rd.
But now I feel really stupid as I could have just downloaded it via a torrent file and burnt it on a DVD.
Could have saved $5.41.
I'm thinking if I will just cancel it, though it maybe too late to cancel.
Anytime Upgrade DVD
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by pinserz, Aug 9, 2007.