I have the 20994cu 720p display y580. I plan on playing bf3 on it and while using a external keyboard. ( only while home)
Will it have the same performance on bf3 with my acer 19" monitor as it does my laptop?
Any problems ill run into with a external keyboard/monitor? Lose performance?
I use an external display. Posted this in the owners thread a while back
It depends on the resolution. Your monitor probably has a higher native resolution than the 768p y580 screen. Either use the same resolution you are using now and get the same performance. Or go slightly higher and you will get a small decrease in performance. At 19 inches it won't matter that much, but the bigger the screen size, the more you notice the differences in resolution.
It depends on the game, but I usually play at 1600x900 on my plasma. For older games like TF2, 1080p runs silky smooth. -
Oh wow thats amazing!!!!!
I plan on playig bf3.
This is very inpressive from a small machine.
As far as i remember theu say my model was 768p screen i forgot where i read that. -
I'm currently using a 19" monitor at 1440X900, and there's no performance hit. I also tried Skyrim on my 42" TV once and there didn't seem to be a performance hit either, although I did get motion sickness from sitting too close to it.
That's great news. I need a bigger monitor to see better. My y580 model has the lower resolution
Anyone use an external monitor?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by AnimalMother, Aug 9, 2012.