Anyone update to SP1? I did it earlier today and my computer doesn't seem quicker, but a bit slower. I think it might be my imagination, but I do know I am wishing I did not install it and just waited.
Anyone else experiencing anything like this?
If I've learned anything from Microsoft is...never patch on patch day, never install patches before a month has passed.
I have it, fine for me. Seems a tad bit faster on boot up and it runs alot smoother. But then again it could be my Vista 64 with 4GB of ram.
Hmm, I didn't consider boot up times, but when I type in my password, it takes about 1-2 seconds instead of instantly going to my desktop. Shut down times seem to be the same. I have yet to see any kind of performance boost. I only have 3GB on Vista 32 bit Home Premium.
I found the SP1 is faster on my x64 system at home compare to pre sp1s, and slower on my x32 at work.
I updated to SP 1 on my x64 install.
Been much happier with file transfer speed.
One issue, it seems I can't add any Bluetooth devices. -
Installed sp1 RC1 on my 32 bit system and it works great.
However I was just in the process of Installing 64-Bit SP1 RTM and I have a BSOD on my T61p. No information is available on this BSOD at this time. Since the BSOD is at boot time, I think the only thing I can do is to restore via Vista complete PC Backup.
Anyone update to SP1?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by madflava54, Feb 21, 2008.