I'm not having any luck. First I ordered an FRU 60Y3231 (6200), which was a mistake since it wasn't in the hardware maintenance manual. Then I wait another month to try FRU 60Y3253. But I still get that "unauthorized" PCI card message. It appears to be the right part number.
Intel 6205 wifi card for Thinkpad X301 T420i T520 T520i - eBay (item 390312391684 end time Jun-07-11 01:11:49 PDT)
Anyone else have luck replacing the 1x1 bgn card? I'm wondering if my 8BET41WW (1.21) BIOS has something to do with it (came with the laptop).
Another buyer reported success with a 60Y3233 from the same ebay seller. I can give it third try.
update: asked another buyer with a w520 + 6300 and he had 1.22 BIOS. Tried that but still got the same error. Updated to 1.25 (May release) still no joy. Something strange in the halt string responds with 8086/008A/8086/0000 <-- wonder if that last 0000 is a clue
I wanted to follow up on this application. I was told by Lenovo support that the FRU was critical and that the application for the 6300 is the 60Y3233.
The 6205 application is the 60Y3253. Seems you tried one of these FRUs w/o success.
An eBay seller in the states says that his works and I am going to try one with the 60Y3233 designation.
Do you know what Lenovo wants for theirs if you buy it from the parts dept? Also any update on your status would be greatly appreciated.
Jerry -
bumping this thread as I want to do the same thing... I've found the 60Y3233 on IBM's site but its $140! on amazon its $30 but it seems like you'd have to run a custom bios for it to work and thats not something I really wanna do unless I have to.
Remove whitelist check / add ID's to break hardware restrictions mod requests.
I might end up doing it as I want the faster speeds! Any thoughts?
Anyone successfully replayed W520 Wifi Card?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by zerodivide, Jun 24, 2011.