Just received an email from lenovo:
Due to the overwhelming demand for the Lenovo products you ordered, we have been unable to ship all or part of your order (). You are a valued customer and we are working to ship your order as soon as possible. However, If we do not hear from you within the next 5 days, Federal regulations require us to automatically cancel your order for which you will receive a full refund. If you would like to keep your order open, just send us an email by clicking the link below. If you agree to this delay notification, you may still request to modify or cancel your order at any time by contacting your representative Lenovo Sales toll free at 1(866)428-4465.
My WUXGA t61p was ordered on 8/7. ESD 9/8 -> 9/30 -> 10/6 -> 10/10 -> 10/18
The supervisor gave me the latest update of my order is 10/18.
I think I read somewhere else that e-mail is required to be sent by law, doubt it has anything to do with a change in order status.
mine delayed to 26th this month
I canceled mine when I got that order and ordered a WSXGA+, in the hopes that I'll actually get that one eventually.
Anyone stil waiting for Aug. Ordered t61p WUXGA?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by bigreat, Oct 9, 2007.