I know others have posted about issues with their wireless using the T400 and Intel 5300 card. I have similar problems with the 5100. It frequently drops and when it happens it is impossible to open up the connection manager to check on it. It seems restarting is the only way to get it to come back online. It definitely isn't an issue with my internect connection as my roommates works consistently even as mine is struggling. It seems to be particularly likely to drop when I'm using Skype or streaming video from Hulu. I uninstalled Access Connections and have been using the regular Vista connections manager which is just fine for my purposes. Any thoughts?
This seems like a pervasive enough problem that Lenovo would offer some kind of response. Has anyone heard anything from Lenovo about what this might be or how it might be permanently fixed? At this point I'm pretty disappointed that a brand new laptop wouldn't be functional right out of the box, especially since having a laptop with a functional wireless card was one of the main things I was looking forward to. If I can't get this fixed to my satisfaction I'll probably just have to head back to Dell which is too bad because other than this I love the T400.
(cross posted on the lenovo forums)
The Lenovo drivers are faulty. I had this exact issue. not sure why Lenovo isn't all over this.
Go to the Intel site and download their drivers; they works without issue. -
That's good to hear. When did you update your drivers? Have you had any wireless issues at all since then? Was that for the 5300 or the 5100? Thanks a ton for the help, this is super frustrating with a brand new machine.
Yeah, I'm not why Lenovo wouldn't address this more directly, it seems like a large number of people are having the same issue... -
Mine seems to be working fine. I haven't updated my drivers yet, but I might be an exception. Follow mikec and get the intel drivers if you're having trouble with the wireless.
Yeah I'm definitely going to update the drivers first thing when I get home. Hopefully it'll fix it, but if not maybe I can badger Lenovo into letting me return w/o the restocking fee and re-ordering with the XP downgrade since I forgot it the first time around...
Last week I have updated with latest Lenovo wireless driver (Version: 12.00.4000, Release Date: 2008/08/29), since then connection never dropped. My wireless card is Intel 5100 and OS is Vista Ultimate.
Well I updated the drivers last night and it worked for the rest of the time that I was online. I haven't had a chance to use Skype but it did work for streaming videos so hopefully that will be the permanent solution to the problem. I'll post if not.
Anyone else having trouble with the T400 wireless???
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by whittems, Oct 15, 2008.