I would like to know if anyone here is playing the Crysis Demo on their T61p 15.4" notebook and what kind of results are they getting i.e smooth FPS at what max setting? Thanks. Sorry, if this has already been discussed.
i will load it up tomorrow while i am at work and try it out, i will probably only run it at 1200x1024 or the widescreen version of that since its a graphics hog.
Well even if it runs at minimum resolution but medium to high settings, Im still very happy.
Looking forward to hear if you guys experience the same thing or if its something I need to fix regarding performance at my end.
Oh yeah .. forgot to mention. The game evaluates the comp. at medium setting. I tried it .. it was a slideshow .. -
Any idea why mine is so choppy? I have the high end T61p and it's really crappy giving me 15 fps in all low mode and not even closely playable in medium settings...
you modifying/doing anything special?
Oh yeah, I have the 570 fx nvidia, not the 140 -
Wierd .. -
I noticed some of the updates had escaped my attention so I'm trying that atm. One was a BIOS update so I'm holding my breath... -
Those are some great pics, bwhxeon are you using the 8600gt type drivers or lenovo's own drivers?
these are what I was using. Keep in mind I had over clocked my card but these alone should get you at least into the upper 20's.
Download the modded Inf and put it into a folder. Download the driver and extract it to the folder you put the modded INF in. It will ask you if you want to replace it and say NO. You should be able to run the setup.exe file in the folder and should all work fine.
Just curious but how come you sent it back?
I haven't tried the Crysis Demo on my T61p but I have the Unreal Tournament 3 Demo running maxed out and its running pretty smoothly.
Ah I see hope I dont have to deal with their CS :/
ya know i beat crysis on my T61p and never droped below 25fps.
on average i was getting 35 to 50fps running at 1280X1024 res. at medium settings
here are my specs:
ibm T61p 2.2 Ghz 800mhz FSB 4MB, 250GB 5400rmp drive, wsxga 15.4, nvidia 570m 256, with only 1gig of ram. sad thing was when the game first loaded it was a wee bit choppy for a about a minute every time it loaded a new scene but then cleared right up.
oh yeah and i'm also only running Windows Xp pro. insted of vista witch everyone knows that its a totall system resource hog. i think that might be where i have the advantage. also i checked out the system performance when running crysis and i was using up 1.46GB of ram and i only have 1.024GB witch counts up for the lagging at first.
since this stupid running deal memory chips problem i can't really use my other 1gig. -
alacrityathome Notebook Consultant
Ran Crysis demo with no problem. But, did not measure the fps....seemed smooth...but erased the demo and went on to another preferred gaming software ... I am a mulitiplayer addict.
No overclocking used. 169.04 was my driver. See signature below.
Anyone Playing Crysis Demo on Their 15.4" T61P?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by firestarter, Oct 30, 2007.