I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on one of these two:
R61: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834146364
T61: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834146363
Seems some folks on the forum have bought one or the other. However, the Newegg user reviews worry me as the configuration actually seems to vary (some users saying they got theirs without a touchpad, etc.) I'm curious about a couple of things.
What kind of battery life are you getting from yours in real-world use (wifi, screen brightness about half or so) with the stock 6-cell? (I like the 7200rpm drive in both confs, but I'm worried it would make the iffy battery life of these models even worse-- anecdotal evidence I can find is all based on a 5400rpm drive.)
Is the 7200rpm drive noisy in your opinion?
Is *everyone* who bought the T61 from Newegg finding they have a three-year warranty? (The tabook sheet indicates the conf / model of the R61 Newegg is selling definitely has a three-year, but is less than clear on the T61 model posted.)
Also, I've been reading and reading but I can't find any discernible difference between the R61 and T61 as conf'd here, other than about .3 pounds of add'l weight. This might make the extra $50 for the T61 worth it to me, but I'm not totally convinced... it sounds like I will need to shell out for a second battery, external charger and second AC adapter to get the kind of battery life I need out of this, and I'm trying to keep it as cheap as I can, so...I'm guessing someone here can help out a comparative Thinkpad n00b in clarifying the distinctions.
The 6-cell will give you about 2.5-3 hours of batter life with casual usage. IMO, the 7200rpm does not make any noise at all.
Sorry, I can't answer your question about Newegg warranty since I ordered off the Lenovo website with the standard one year warranty.
The only difference between the 14" R61 and the 14" T61 is that small size difference you mentioned as well as the different sized optical drives. R61 uses UltraBay Enhanced while T61 uses a slimmer UltraBay Slim.
Anybody bought the <$900 T61 / R61 from Newegg?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by lossfound, Jan 26, 2008.