It's annoying when the CPU fan spins every 5 minutes when I'm browsing the web. I tried configuring battery maximiser and the different schemes to lower the clock speed on AC. However, it seems like the CPU won't underclock on AC, only when it's on battery. Are there ways around this?
What type of Intel processor do you have>??
I have an Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 (2.0GHZ) Processor and the speedstep works just fine on the A/C Adapter. -
The X30 does not have a Core processor... I think it has some version of the Pentium 3--mobile p3? P2?
let me look a little and see if I can find a solution.. -
You may want to look at the cooling guide. It's quite possible that you have a dust build up.
The fan hardly spins when on battery mode though since it's clocked down to 800mhz. I can't make it clock down on AC though.
Use Notebook Hardware Control to undervolt the processor and cool it down a bit. Or underclock it if you like.
Any way to configure X30 to use speedstep on AC?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sp00n, Jan 20, 2007.