As a Lenovo x60t owner with an intel SSD I am still very pi**ed about Lenovo capping the SATA II speed on the device to 1.5Gbps.
Is there any news on getting a new Bios fixing the issue?
I saw some threads about this earlier ... specifically how this was only a bios/software cap.
The X60t is a SATA I machine. Even if Lenovo decides to fix the SATA cap, it won't apply to the X60t
Yea, it'll be fixed in the new wave of ThinkPads next spring.
I found this when reading about SSD on t61 & t400 . It is from Feb 2009 but should still apply.
BaldwinHillsTrojan Notebook Evangelist
Loonovo can fix it if they want, just like Dell did. But they don't want to.
What a bunch of crappy lying cheaters. -
this is also why the latter generation of thinkpads have the serial interface for their ultrabay drive.
Why cant they issue a new drive bay?
User Retired 2 Notebook Nobel Laureate NBR Reviewer
While this has been discussed with great passion and frustration by users I can't see Lenovo volunteering to correct the issue without a hugh impetus to do so from the user base. Why would they? Their current stance boxes users into upgrading to T400/T500 systems to see SATA-II performance. So user pays twice to get the SATA-II performance they should have already had with their T61/X61 systems based on Lenovo's SATA-II advertising of those products. -
In reasearching something else I looked at the Manual for my T61 and it shows SSD as an option at the time of purhcase. So they acutally sold T61's with SSD dumbed down at that time? I read that Apple has had the same issue. Something about if you order with an SSD then its 3.0 if not they dumb it down to 1.5 but complaints which Apple states as coming from a "small minority" of users caused them to uncap.
There was a long (way too long) thread on this earlier. The update is that Lenovo chose to limit the bus speed on the T61 generation laptops in order to use less power and extend battery life.
The other update is that now that we have lots of test data we have learned that in real life application no SSD gets close to the SATA1 limit. The reason is that sequential reads tests have nearly nothing to do with real-world performance. The key number is the small block read test (4k) and those numbers aren't anywhere near the SATA1 limit, and won't likely be for another couple of years. -
thinkpad knows best Notebook Deity
Any updated on the SATA II speed cap?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by, Dec 8, 2009.