I was surprised to read a while back on this board that sometimes if you place an order at companies(Lenovo included) and it is getting built Friday, that the machine will be assembled more poorly and there is a higher chance of it being crap. Is there any truth to this? Is there an optimum time to order??
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
haha, good thought. we used to joke about that in production. i think its mostly an expression. possible, but unlikely IMO.
I would be more worried about the monday morning build, after a hard weekend on the beer.
John. -
themanwithsauce Notebook Evangelist
wendsday is a good build day, they're energized but not impatient and disgruntled yet.
Maybe it should be an option when you order, what day you laptop is built on.
But it will most likey cost more for a Wedensday Laptop than a Friday one.
John. -
peeps joke about vehicles and assembly lines. i'm sure there's a small bit of truth to it, especially late friday and early monday but i wouldn't worry about it. i think it's more dependent on how competent and how much the persons/people building your computer or whatever like their job. if joe blow doesn't like his job i'd be worried about tuesday wednesday thursday builds too.
You can do it any day of the week, just make sure and do it before the inevitable robot revolution.
doesn't apply in China, they don't get any days off.
Keep it clean everybody... (had to delete an inappropriate post)
Back on topic --I'm pretty sure I ordered mine at around 11:30PM EST on a Friday night, and mine has excellent build quality. -
I'm guessing though (after once reading how the Foxconn plants work in China to produce Apple iPods) that shifts are staggered such that Friday may be one shift's final day for the week, but not for another shift. Foxconn actually has dormitories for their workers, and the manufacturing employees live onsite. I read that this is a common method for a lot of contract electronic equipment manufacturers. While I can't speak to Lenovo's manufacturing operations, it would be logical that not all shifts get the same days off. -
Any truth to "Friday evening build"?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by The Fire Snake, Apr 24, 2008.