I'm debating about whether or not I should upgrade the ram from 4G to 8G on my Lenovo X230. I've been searching on the web about how this would effect the battery life, but it seems that all the comments are either qualitative and anecdotal rather than quantitative. Does anyone have any hard data about this?
I honestly doubt that you would notice it that much. If you are really worried just get a single 8GB module rather than x2 4GB and low voltage ram.
If you are comparing a single 4GB dimm to a 8GB, like I said before, I doubt you will notice it. I wouldn't worry about it. -
What about if it was x2 4GB instead of a single 8GB?
Commander Wolf can i haz broadwell?
In general going from 1 dimm to 2 dimms will indeed increase power consumption by a small amount. I just did a quick test on my x220t and I got about 5.5w with 1 dimm and 5.8w with 2 dimms. These are fairly rough numbers as I'm just watching the little line in perfmon, but I think in general you can see about a quarter to a third of a watt difference at idle. Obviously your mileage may vary depending on what you are doing and what exact dimms you have (I'm using a fairly vanilla set of 1333MHz 2GB dimms), but I wouldn't really worry about it until that quarter/third of a watt becomes a significant percentage of your total power use.
Any hard data about battery life if upgrade RAM on X230?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by atczhl, Dec 15, 2012.