Greetings, fellow Thinkpadders!
Are there any useful uses for the PC card slot on older portables, besides soundcards and various ports? Perhaps a bootable drive? A videocard port? I'm guessing the interface is too slow, but you never know.
And what about the mini PCIe slots that is used for wi-fi-cards, any other stuff we can connect there?
I've got an HP mogo bluetooth mouse in my PC card slot..everybody thinks it's so cool, but more importantly, I love it (and it solves the crappy touchpad issue for me on my x220)
Wait, are you honestly telling me that it's not a cigarette holder/lighter?
April fools. -
Anyone use a sound card in one of those slots?
My friend has HP and it is supplied by a remote control in the slot. That was cool.
I've got a Creative X-fi soundcard plugged in to my expresscard slot. It's been great for me because I managed to find the rare 7.1 adapter- most of the cards you'll see only have stereo output. There is a noticeable improvement in sound clarity with one of these cards, though I'm having to get rid of mine to make room for an external video card, and will pick up a USB sound card instead
by the way the "HP" version is just a rebranding, the original thing is made by mogo.
the concept is nothing new, there is even a pcmcia version
i've had mine for about 3 years now, and it's still going strong
perhaps setting the scroll settings to 1 line instead of the default of 3 would do the trick ?
There are several models to chose from, cf. MoGo Mouse, Wireless 2-button Bluetooth Mouse (Gray): Electronics .
Edit: found this as well, better handling but more expensive:®-Bluetooth-Express-Laser-Presenter/dp/B002AKB2RI -
this one is good : -
I only intended to point the recap table contained in the middle of that page; thanks for caring, though
Any creative ueses for a PC Card and mini PCIe slots?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Ollollo, Apr 1, 2012.