Im french (so excuse me for my poor english ;-) and I want to buy a Thinkpad. As you already may know, those laptops are pretty expansive here : while you can have a really basic T61 for $830 in USA, here the minimum price for the same laptop is $1800 (http://www5.pc.ibm.com/fr/products.nsf/$wwwPartNumLookup/_NI25WFR?open&OpenDocument&epi=web_express ) !
However, since I saw a Thinkpad T61 at a computer conference, I want one. So Im looking for anyone who is going to anywhere in France in a near future (until the end of September), and who would be agree to bring a Thinkpad here (of course I will give to him money as a thanks ).
Please send me an email/PM if you are interested,
Where in France do you live?
I live in South of France, near Nice (French Riviera). However if some people are interested and are not goinq to the South, contact me and I’ll see if I can come I can also go to the North of Italia.
There is no option to PM you. I'll be in Paris on the 18th of August and leaving from Paris on the 27th. I'll be in Bretagne in between both dates.
Je serais a Paris le 18 et en Bretagne ensuite. Je repars de Paris le 27. -
Well you are right I thought it was possible to send PM, but obviously I were wrong
A friend of mine is going to Paris from 13 to 21 August, so it would be ok.
You can send me an e mail at : dnanar at gmail dot com ( I don’t fear Spam ) (or contact me through IM see my profile)
If anyone else is interested, please contact me -
Does anyone think that this thread should be moved to the Buy/Sell/Trade section ?
I'd be wary of giving my money to someone I met on an Internet Board, but that's me. This may be of interest to you. I'd also try to get one with International Warranty Service. You don't want to spend all that money and have no warranty.
Any Thinkpad buyer going to France ?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by pierreN, Aug 7, 2008.