Hey there, I was just wondering if there were any Lenovo reps that are browsing these forums.
I need some help, and would be appreciated if I could talk to someone from Lenovo, or if anyone knows one if they could point me to who they are so I can PM them myself.
. . . . . . sound of crickets chirping
8>) -
no one here except us chickens.
What kind of problem are you having?
Just as an update to close out this thread, I was contacted by a Lenovo rep on here, and I can say that he helped me tremendously and all my problems were taken care of.
Thanks again for your help. -
What were other problems beside the lid gap?
The palm rest seemed to be warped, and it didn't fit right. The alignement with the rest of the chassis was off, and you could see a large gap. When I would rest my hand on it, it would move down to where it was supposed to be and make a clanking noise. When I let off, it would move back up. This was very annoying when trying to type, or carrying the notebook.
The first time they said they couldn't recreate the problem, but the second time it was put on a higher alert and they just replaced the palm rest with a new one and now it fits nice and snug, no more wobbling. -
Glad it worked out for you.
Any Lenovo reps around?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by adinu, Sep 19, 2007.