The high pitched sound is lounder, if I switch to high performance mode. But if I switch to save mode, I cannot hear this sound.
I heard people said it is becuase of intel duo CPU.
Is it all duo 2 core cpu have the high pitched sound?
How about T7100-T7700 or T9xx?
I have try x301 and R500, both of them have this high pitched sound. And I am looking for one without this sound or at leat quieter.
Its something with the sleep states in the cpu, rmclock will fix this issue.
See this thread on the fix.. -
Is it the only way to solve this issue?
My last laptop is usig T7300 and without this annoying noise, or at least I cannot hear it.
If T7XX series do not have this issue, I may try to get a T61 instead.
Annoying high pitched sound
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by howruhenry, May 18, 2009.