I've noticed recently everytime a web page loads a lil pop noise comes from my speakers along with hitting the enter button for web pages. Wth is going on! The speakers are not blown because they play music fine at all levels.
windows sounds? open up the sound mixer...bottom right
turn down the "window sounds" but leave the master volume up -
I get a similar problem in that whenever a sound is played or I hit enter in IE I get a little popping sounds. It'd not due to windows sounds in fact if I turn down windows sounds and leave master up I get the sound just as loud. It sounds as though there is something wrong with the speakers and such that you keep getting these little popps (I know mine seem to alternate from left speaker to right speaker whenever I click anything.
Any ideas as to what this might be? -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=137678 -
Thanks for the link MDDZ I had seen that before and in fact that's not the sound that appears to be the problem. The sound I have plays basically plays after any other sound finishes on any program. IE, Windows Explorer, MSN Messenger etc. Once the regular sound plays (like a pop up sound or really anything, after that sound finished I get this pop which alternates from left speaker to right speaker on each subsequent sound played. I thought it was related to clicking but when I finish any sound not just when I click on a button do I hear this pop. It doesn't seem to be related to the speakers because the sound also comes through headphones if I plug them in. Does anyone have any idea what the heck this might be ? I've run system update and I have what appear to be the latest drivers for everything so I have no idea? Is the sound card messed up? What the heck is going on the sound is slight but aggravating as this computer is very new. (I've also reformatted and the sound is still there.
Oh and I forgot to say, thanks for the help everyone who reads/comments on this. It's much appreciated.
Annoying Popping Noise From Speakers! Help
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by mangazero, Jul 5, 2007.