Put out a review of the X61 12 hours after it was announced! Clearly Andrew recieves information (and all new laptops) before they actually come out.
This leads me to believe that Andrew knew X61 was coming out today, and it also leads me to believe Andrew not only knows when T61p is coming out, but he is already working on the review!
It must be so hard knowing everything, and not revealing anything. Clearly Lenovo would not appreciate our administrator leaking information before it's available.
But it still means Andrew has a T61p!!!!!! =)
dietcokefiend DietGreenTeaFiend
I wouldnt be so sure on that. Always depends on what a place might send out, not to mention that even if he did have it, he cant spill the beans until its allowed.
we didn't get the t60p last time, so i doubt we would be getting the t61p. everything is essentially the same to the t61 except higher screen resolution and better gpu if it's anything like the t60p was.
Patience Kebs, isn't this your 3rd post on this topic?
Just prey that Kebs doesn't put a diper on and drive to Andrews house to steal his notebook.
Irrelevant question.....but where does Andrew live, his phone number, last name, SSN#? Nothing to do with this post, I was just genuinely curious....
lol...kebs aint the only one whose itching to see what T61p looks like =D..but i wont give andrew a hard time for it...though it would be nice...bah watever...ill be just itching till tuesday hopefully...
I'm not allowed to comment on products I know information about because there's a non-disclosure agreement I sign to even get that information. I can tell about information I don't know though, and I don't know anything about the T61p or it's release date.
Someone stick a wire on Andrew when he goes to the pre-briefings
Btw, do you have information on when you are going to know or when you would be able to tell us? -
aww boo.
actually, it's kinda nice knowing that he DOESN'T know anything. that way we only have to bug lenovo til the 5th. Let me guess. Only option available on the 5th.
T61p , in 14" 4:3 800x600, 30 GB harddrive at 2000rpm. Windows 3.1, wireless wan option forces you to skip the optical drive, and it's a 2 cell battery, but it protrudes out the back.
thanks anyway andrew. =)
great work! -
lol...god hope not..cause ima be one of the first to order one if its what i want...
I did see this in my incessant searching for the T61p -
How much do you think the T61p will be when it's released? Will it be much more than the T60p or around the same price? I would guess more, but by about how much?
I heard the cheapest config. is for a penny less of 12 grand. Omg, there goes my NDA.
Check this:
Apparently T61 with Quadro 570M has already been released in Europe. But lenovo don't refer this laptop as T61 p model... -
Ooh, nice find. Interesting to see if the T61p (or no 'p'?) will make a June 5th release for the United States.
The 570M with WUXGA would make for a really nice notebook...all the gaming i'd ever want to do and plenty of screen space! -
My gut says they will release the T61p after the current sale ends. Grant it, that has no basis in fact, its just what I have been thinking. I don't see them introducing a new lappy into a current sale, one they pseudo used to introduce the x61. I don't think there is any validity to that June 5 date either, thats just a rumor. I have seen so many different dates floating around.
If these T61 models have the same features that we think T61p would have, what's the diference between them?!
I don't know if it's better to order one of these T61 15.4'' models or wait until T61p release. -
Wishful thinking on my own part, I suppose.
The T61 15.4" wide looks good now, but discrete graphics would sweeten the deal for me. We can only assume that the delay has something to do with the NVIDIA Quadro card, because its integrated graphics counterpart is already available for configuration. -
That's what I'm waiting for. As soon as they stick a dedicated graphics option in the 15.4" T61 I'm buying it. Hopefully that's what the June 5th date will be. But who knows when they'll roll out what.
The 570M in the European's T61"p" has only 128MB. I thought it was supposed to be 256?
Andrew has T61p! You're holding out on us!! =)
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Kebs, Jun 1, 2007.