The current coupons say they are for T-Series ThinkPads right? Every time I try and use then they say that they are not applicable to the current cart. I am entering the coupons in the e-coupons box. I tried the last set and the current set and no luck.
are you trying to combine it with other offers? (EPP / CPP?)
might be expired -
nope...but what are epp/cpp discounts?
Are you using the right codes for the right regions? For example, codes for Canadians won't work for Americans.
I tried it also - did not work.
i tried the last set when they were still before the expiration but they also did not work? i want to order soon and obviously want all the discounts i can get .
CPP stands for Contractor Purchase Program.
EPP stands for Employee Purchase Program.
They're special discounts for Lenovo contractors and employees.
Am I missing something?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Mike.Stepler, Jun 23, 2008.