Anyone happen to use one of these machines still? I'm thinking it might be a good fit for my Dad: 1600X900 screen, decently powerful Sandy/Ivy Bridge, USB 3.0, good typing experience, easy to find parts. The T420s looks thin enough and light enough to work.
Any discernible difference in performance over the T430s with the same specs? I know the T430s has the modern style keyboard but the aftermarket prices on the T420s is very favorable compared to the T430s. Both use the same HD+ screen?
I'm looking for a serviceable machine that will give him another couple years.
I don't think there's much of a practical difference between the T420s and T430s, other than the keyboard. I believe they use the same screen, though none of them is anything special. The 14" ThinkPad with the decent screen is the X1 Carbon.
Aftermarket T420s Vs T430s
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by bmstrong, Nov 22, 2014.