i want to hook up my 4870 1gb gddr5 to the advanced dock (Lenovo ThinkPad Advanced Dock 39T4572) via a pci-e riser ( http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PCIe-PCI-...omponents_InterfaceCards&hash=item256c533390). i have a spare psu laying around which i could use to power the 4870.
basically, i've ordered a t60, lenovo advanced dock, which will be delivered soon. will this work? any insights/wisdom?
also, i'm looking into purchasing a 6570 1gb/2gb gddr3 (need help on deciding which one to get from either of the following three):
http://uk.asus.com/Graphics_Cards/AMD_Series/EAH6570DI1GD3LP/ 1gb gddr3
Sapphire Technology Web Site 1gb gddr3
Sapphire Technology Web Site 2gb gddr3
has anyone tried these before with success? do they fit? what are your thoughts?
there's limit in the speed that the advanced dock can communicate with the laptop, so check that out. I've seen reports on that speed to be somewhere at about 38MB/s for T61 dock.
I assume that you want better video performance for your laptop ? What laptop do you have anyways ? -
also the advanced dock (bagged it from fleabay for £25, brand new apparently http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280828304593?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649) is,
it's only for the t60, r60, z60 apparently
gaming-wise, civ5, dota1&2 and l4d 1&2 wouldn't go amiss. i've got rid of my pc setup and would like to scale down, keep portability and have the thinkpad ruggedness without losing too much coin -
you cant increase video performance with the dock + another video card. The only way for you to do that is to use the express card slot to build external video dock, but there are lots of issues with those.
Back in the day, I remember reading a review here where someone stuck an old GeForce 6600 into the advanced dock in conjunction with his z61t. Lenovo ThinkPad Z61t Review (pics, specs)
I think there might be some more material on this on the forum.thinkpads.com site. I believe that the power supply and half-height aspect of the dock was the limiting factor in the past. But like miro_gt said, even with the riser, bandwidth will be your enemy. -
Turns out there's been some slight progress on this front. Here's your answer.
Advanced Dock PCI-E GPU queries
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by maverick85, Feb 18, 2012.