Thank you for this excellent site. I have a small question regarding a Lenovo R500 Thinkpad. I mistakenly ordered 1GB RAM instead of the 2GB I meant to. It works fine under Vista Premium, but it can be a little slow sometimes. I am also getting Windows 7 soon, and I'd prefer to have more RAM for that.
What would be the best way to go about adding memory to a R500 Thinkpad?
There is a slot for cards on the left, is it as effective as a regular card added inside? I would prefer not to mess with opening the laptop, or sending to a lab but if that is much better, I might do that. Also if you could recommend any specific memory I will be grateful.
Thank you very much,
I suggest you take it to a local computer repair shop, they can install the RAM for you for usually around $30-$40 for labor and it won't take long (a hour at most). You can buy RAM online at sites such as Newegg.com.
Adding memory to Lenovo R500
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Marzipan, Oct 16, 2009.