Just a quick question for those familiar with the Access Connections software that comes with the Lenovo.
I did use this to set up my husband's wireless Lenovo with our home router. Everything is fine and dandy and I set up a "home wireless" profile. It connects automatically at home when he starts up his laptop.
The question I have is what happens when he's out of town, say in a hotel with wireless capability? Does he start up Access Connections and just tell it to "find" a wireless connection or does it just happen automatically when it searches for--and doesn't find--the Home Wireless connection? Do I need to set up a profile for a public wireless connection? He knows nothing about computers, so if I don't get him set up beforehand he'll be clueless. Not knowing much about laptops myself, I'm just learning and would greatly appreciate some guidance.
Launch Access Connecions, click Find, select the appropriate Access Point and click Connect.
If you attempt to connect to an unknown secured network, a configuration page where you can enter the necessary security settings will automatically open.
- If you attempt to connect to an unknown open network, the following defaults will be used:
-Use Windows firewall
-No wireless encryption
-No Internet Explorer proxy -
Thanks so much, GridGI, sounds like he won't have to do anything more difficult than opening up the Access software, clicking on "find," and then clicking on the hotel/public access, whatever. Just needed to be sure that it would, indeed, be that automatic so as to forestall any frantic phone calls. Appreciate it.
Access Connections question
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Grannygamer, Jul 16, 2007.