I've used a T40 from work for a while and now I'm thinking of buying a T60. The only thing that annoyed me about the T40 was how you have to set up an access connection for each location. So if for example I'm at an internet cafe or an airport I have to set up the access connections. Is it still the same way with the T60?
no one has a t60?
Access Connections is an optional application. You may or may not install/use it to use T60 or any Thinkpads that support it. But it's really useful as you can easily switch location profiles especially if you travel a lot. But then, you can also use the Windows built-in one, or Intel's own utility, it's your choice..
I use Access Connections on my X60 and yes you probably have to setup each location for the first time. But, its only a hassle the first time. Once its set up, you're good to go.
Thank You .
Access Connections on T60
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by goskins, Oct 26, 2006.