The yellow part where the plug meets the laptop, that is. It just... doesn't feel that stable when the power brick is plugged in.
Is it commonplace, or a sign something will need repair very soon?
There was a post about this a couple months ago I believe. If I remember correctly, the poster said that he was able to fix the issue by opening up his computer and tighting a few screws in that area. He said that the screws loosen over time. He also posted pictures and a link to the separate hardware piece.
I'll try and find the thread.
edit: here we are, -
also keep in mind that thinkpad t61/r61 jacks are not soldered directly onto the motherboard
so they never really break from the solder joint like in cheaper laptops. its a wire that connects the jack to the motherboard. this also causes a little wiggle when compared to other laptops that have jacks soldered onto the mb -
It's common and it's by design. As batman5315 mentioned, the play allows it to withstand forces so they don't break that easily.
very well said! thanks for the explanations.
AC Power Port "Wobbly" [R61]
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by cpetaling, Aug 14, 2008.