Hi everyone,
I am new to this forum and I am planning to buy my first notebook from IBM []. However, I noticed in IBM thinkpad notebook, except for serious number (T, R, X serious etc) and model number (T40, T41, T42...) there is also a number called
"Mfg part No." and it looks like "23733XU". I wonder what this number means. Does anyone have any idea?
That number is the exact Part Number for the unit. It's been a while since I repaired my last IBM, but I believe it contains the actual manufacture info like, lot number, which exact model, version, etc... so they know exactly which unit you have. If you called IBM for service, they'll ask you for your serial# and this part#.
-Vb- -
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Fujitsu S6210: 1.6Ghz PM ~ 768MB RAM ~ 60GB 7200RPM Hard Drive
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I heard a saying that this number contains some detail information like where that notebook is fabricated etc. I have seen two notebooks with the same configuration but because that Mfg part No. are different, the prices are also different.
bootleg2go Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer
Hi Yolk,
This number you see is the detailed model number. The general model number like T42 is the main model number and the detailed model number like 2373-3XU specifies the configuration like amount of memory, hard drive, type of WiFi, warranty, video chip. It is stricly a hardware configuration number. It does not include any type of lot, country of origin or build date info. It is possible that some of the "manufacturing type of info" is some how embedded into the serial number itself, but it is not in the detailed model configuation number at all.
"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security" (Ben Franklin)
A question about IBM thinkpad
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Yolk, Aug 2, 2004.