Lately, the ac adapter and the battery of my 10mo old R61 has developed some play. When the ac adapter is plugged in, it wobbles around a bit. As for the battery, it's a 6-cell, I believe (it doesn't sit flush with the case) and it definitely doesn't sit still. I can rattle it back and forth while installed.
Are these to be expected from a thinkpad that's nearly a year old? This laptop has been fairly trouble free until just recently. One of the small plastic tabs that protrude from the frame of the screen broke off.. and then just earlier today, the letter "L" popped off the keyboard.
Are thinkpads like german cars in the sense that they start to fall apart as soon as the warranty is up? I've still got a month and a half left on the factory warranty. Should I take action?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
p.s. this is in no way an attempted bashing of lenovo.
You can actually take apart your ThinkPad and tighten the screw to the AC connector. That's what I did and it worked perfectly.
A little play in ac adapter and battery
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by orangeaura, Feb 27, 2009.