A key popped off of my keyboard last night.
So today I called hardware service and they opened a case. Without hesitation they said they would replace the keyboard. My current one is a chicony and I asked if I could get an NMB replacement?
You sure can! they said.
So it wasn't like pulling teeth and there were no gorgon sounds in the background.
I did note a growing chant in the background, however....
"Yes we will.....
"Yes we will.....
"Yes we will.....
"Yes we will.....
"Yes we will....."
Are you sending it to the depot? If so theres a good chance you'll get it back missing quite a few screws and in worse condition than when you sent it in. I've been talking to quite a few Lenovo managers and they all reference quality assurance issues when machines are serviced at the depot so it seems like I'm not alone.
In short willingness to please doesn't guarantee a good experience, or at least I wouldn't consider it a good experience until I got the laptop back in flawless condition. Not hating on the machine or the company so much as their contracted depot labor... -
Hi Hackez,
No I'm not sending it to the depot. I am replacing it myself.
I've read about your problems and I've really felt for you. How is it coming out? -
I wanted a refund or another replacement after all this trouble and they refused. I have a high tier manager handling my case personally and he asked that I give them one more chance to fix the laptop. I just shipped my laptop to him personally. (He works at an engineering facility in NC that specializes in high quality repairs)
If I get it back faulty yet again I'll either be getting a refund or a replacement. That or I'll be hiring an attorney and taking this up in court. This six month issue has reached and surpassed the computer lemon laws in Virginia so if this attempt fails thats it. (My patience is pretty much gone now...) -
A happy Lenovo Warranty Story
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Renee, Mar 5, 2008.