does anyone who have the 9cell battery could tell me if it annoys him the fact that the battery protrudes in the back...
does it affect the weight distribution? is it solid to hold?
Doesn't bother me one bit. mega batt life is nice.
I had the nine cell on my T42. It didn't bother me at all. There is the mocular battery option as well.
I love my 9 cell, does not bother me one bit (although if it protruded even a bit more it would not fit into my bag). Having a ton of battery life is really nice.
Like The Oatman, the extended battery life compensates for its protrusion. Mine doesn't bother me at all.
Mine 9 cell is moving a bit so it makes me more careful when carrying and it bothers me a bit, but I must say it's worth the extra life.
I have the 7-cell on the Z61t and it portrudes a bit. I actually find this to be a plus, as it provides a grip of sorts when carrying the laptop around.
I don't think that is the best of ideas. ...carrying a laptop by its battery. Isn't that the equivalent to picking a small child up by the ears?
I agree with guyoli in a sense that it will be inadvisable to carry your laptop by holding ONLY onto your battery with your laptop haning onto your battery. There is only one latch that secures your battery to your laptop, and if that is broken, you would be SOL.
Having said that, my 9 cell does not bother me AT ALL. When I'm carrying it in one hand, I hold the battery with my R60 on top. It just gives me a nice place to grab on to. I think that is what Lowfront was getting at. -
Ya I mean I just use it as something to grab onto. I don't just let it hang off the battery. Have the x60 tilted up so its sitting on the battery. If you can understand what I'm getting at.
oh ok. I get it now. You had me worried there for a sec.
I'm glad to hear our 9 cell can have multiple uses. -
Perhaps the 9-cell is worth it if you really need extra time. but if long battery time is required, you should be looking at an X-series because, in practical use, they last twice as long on battery as the T-series.
I have a 9-cell on a T, and i hate the 9 cell. I would happily trade it straight-up for a 6-cell. Having the 9 cell transforms the T into one heavy and bulky brick. But if you want the nicer larger screen and want more battery time too, then the T-series with a 9-cell is the way to go.
It's all about trade offs, and what best suits you! -
The only time that I wished that I had a 9cell was I was flying to Las Vegas.
9 cell battery
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by John B, Jan 19, 2007.