Would you still buy a IBM notebook if it had a 7500 video card in it??
Depends on your needs. If you don't need to game, then it's fine.
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Needs would be mostly microsoft office tasks, Microsoft publisher or other publisher type programs. Databases using/creating. Web site work. Internet surfing. No games.
On another note would you go with the new Intel 900 integrated video over the 7500. -
It really doesn't matter either way, though given the option I would take a card with dedicated RAM.
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the 7500 video card would not work for any current games. You don't need dedicated graphics for word, internet etc. though, so it should be fine.
My laptop has a 7500 video card--it's actually decent for today's strategy games as well as many 3-d games from a couple years ago, like Need for Speed Underground 2. You might need to turn down the quality a bit though.
Any stand alone will beat the doodoo out of any integrated. I am using 7500 for 3 years now on P3 and playing UT (original) besides everything "office" related.
Dedicated graphics is always better than integrated, unless you use something like the 200m which would perform slightly better than the 7500. Go with the 7500 if you can live without DX9 support.
Actually according to the 3DMark01 tests, the Intel GMA900 does beat the 7500 by a little, but I'd say the two are about equivalent.
7500 video card question
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by RazorsEdge, Apr 28, 2005.