I've got a 7200 RPM HD that I can put into my X100E to help things spend it up. But I can also get either the Intel 40GB SSD drive for $100 or the crucial 64GB drive for $150. Would the SSD be that much faster in the netbook than the 7200 RPM one?
I'm still using a Scorpio Black, but I think Momentus XT is the most cost effective upgrade to gain performance and balance capacity.
it is unbelievably fast.
my advice: don't go for it. once you tried it, you will never come back, and end up spending hundreds to upgrade all your computers. -
Ha. I actually already have the Intel 80GB SSD drive in my main computer so I know what you mean I've just didn't know if it would make a big difference in laptops or netbooks..
your CPU is the main bottleneck, since the SSD may offer a fast file transfer rate, your CPU processing speed can't keep up.
You don't need to get an Intel SSD, you can get something slightly slower to compliment your slower processor. -
I was thinking about the kingston V series or the crucial one or ocz
CPU is hardly a bottle neck, especially when DMA mode is enabled.
I prefer a SSD to a 7200 RPM hard drive because it's quieter and runs cool. Also, you will get ~20 minutes more battery life out of your battery
Ok SSD it is then. Now which one I'm thinking I want at least 60GB so that leaves OCZ, Crucial and Kingston.....
I think the controller is most important. Im not sure which has what though
If you are going to a budget SSD (last gen), go with the OCZ. They have indilinx controllers all the way down to their agility line (so you have trim). Last I checked, most of the cheaper Kingstons save the rebadged 40gb intel drive used pretty poor controllers.
7200 RPM HD or Intel SSD 40GB
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by falcon26, Aug 9, 2010.