I have always ran 7200 RPM drives in my thinkpads, recently I purchased a couple 5400 rpm drives for data backup. I ended up using one of them today, and I am very surprised with the performance. It feels much snappier than my 7200rpm drive, its much quieter and puts out 1/3 the heat. Usually after a couple hours on the T61p it turns into a fireball.
The computer fan seems to run less too!
Right now it "seems" as if the 5400 RPM drive is just as fast as the 7200rpm drives I have been running and is much cooler, not to mention it is MUCH quieter.
smoothoperator Notebook Evangelist
A 5400 RPM drive will almost always be cooler/quieter. Higher speed will generally only be sequential, and even then only if the 5400 RPM drive has a higher Areal Density (160GB/platter on my 5400RPM drive, vs. <100GB/platter on 7200RPM drives from the T61P generation).
5400RPM Thinkpad T61p Observations
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by smoothoperator, Mar 11, 2009.